The name of this organization shall be Taylor Run Citizens Association (Association).
The purpose of this not-for-profit organization is to promote the interests and welfare and common good of the residents and owners of real property in the area known as Taylor Run and of Alexandria City generally. This Association is not affiliated with any political party.
Membership shall be open to those individuals eighteen (18) years of age or older who live in, or who own real property in the area of Alexandria bounded by Callahan Drive between King Street and Duke Street; Duke Street between Callahan Drive and W. Taylor Run Parkway; W. Taylor Run Parkway only homes numbered 17 through 226 between Duke and Janney's Lane; north side of Janney's Lane to MacArthur School; through the woods between MacArthur School and Scroggins Road; Bayliss Drive and Tuckahoe Lane; King Street from Scroggins Road to Janney’s Lane; and King Street south side only from Janney’s Lane to Callahan Drive.
Each member shall pay such dues that may from time to time be set by the Board of Directors in accordance with the By-Laws. As of May, 2024, annual dues are set at $0.
Each member shall be entitled to one vote in all matters coming before membership meetings. Each member shall have full voting rights. Individuals living in the above-described area who are not members of the Association may vote on specified matters such as land use issues or other matters of general community concern at the discretion of the elected officers of the Association. Membership and voting privileges shall cease when the person is no longer a resident of, or owner of real property as described above.
Upon approval by the Board of Directors other forms of membership (honorary/associate) may be granted. However, voting privileges do not convey. An absentee vote will be permitted only on specific occasions, which have been previously announced.
The elected officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Communications Chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
The Board of Directors (Board) will consist of dues paying members to include the officers and those appointed by the President with concurrence of all elected officers and will serve at the discretion of the officers.
The Board of Directors may establish such committees as may be required to conduct the affairs of the Association. Committees will be composed of officers, directors, and/or other members of the Association and will be appointed by the Board.
In order for the Board to take a position, three of the five elected officials and at least fifty percent of the total board membership must be in agreement.
Sec. I. Regular meetings shall be held each month, so far as may be practicable.
Sec. II. The regular meeting in March shall be the annual meeting.
Sec. III. The President is authorized to call special meetings of the membership. The President upon the request of at least two elected officers shall call a special meeting.
Sec. IV. At any regular or special meeting at which an elected officer is present, proper notice of the meeting having been issued, then the presence of at least 50% of the Board of Directors or 15 members in good standing shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. V. Generally, membership meetings shall be open to the public. However, the presiding officer shall have authority to close all or part of any membership meeting to non-members.
Sec. VI. The Board of Directors shall confer regularly. Special meetings of the Board will be convened by the President or by another officer in the absence of the President. The presence of a minimum of 50% of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. Appointed members of the Board are expected to attend meetings of the Board.
This constitution may be amended in the following manner: any three members of the Association may propose an amendment at any regular meeting. The elected officers will then consider the proposal; said proposed amendment shall be presented to the membership with their recommendation. The proposal shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the membership (as is practicable) with the recommendations of the elected officers. There being a quorum of fifteen members present, a two-thirds vote of those present and voting shall be required for adoption.
Adopted January 24, 2025
BY-LAWS ARTICLE I --Duties of Officers
Sec. I. The President shall preside at meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors. He or she shall perform the duties usually associated with the office.
Sec. II. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall undertake the President’s functions. In the event of resignation or withdrawal of the President, the Vice-President shall serve as President until the annual election.
Sec. III. The second Communication Chair shall act as parliamentarian, manage social media profiles and the website, send group correspondence, and assist the Secretary. In the absence of the President and the first Vice-President, the Communications Chair shall perform their duties.
Sec. IV. The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep the funds of the Association. He or she shall make expenditures on order of the President. When necessary, all elected officers are empowered to make expenditures on behalf of the association. However, all withdrawals in excess of $400 must be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or the Vice-President.
Sec. V. The Secretary shall record minutes of membership meetings, keep records of correspondence, and otherwise undertake the duties pertaining to the office.
ARTICLE II — Election of Officers and Directors
Sec. I. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall assume office on April 1 of that year. Officers shall serve until March 31 of the following year.
Sec. II. If an office, other than the office of President, becomes vacant, the President shall appoint a member of the Association to assume the office temporarily and shall direct the Secretary to send to the members a notice of a special election to fill the vacancy at the next regular meeting.
Sec. III. A qualified candidate is any member whose dues are current and who is resident of, or owner of real property in the area described in Article III of the CONSTITUTION.
The amount of the annual dues shall be set by the Board, and shall be assessed annually. Complimentary/associate membership may be awarded at the Board’s discretion.
The Board of Directors shall prepare an agenda for each membership meeting.
These By-Laws may be amended at any membership meeting in the following manner: Any three members of the association may propose an amendment at any regular meeting. The elected officers will then consider the proposal; said proposed amendment shall be presented to the membership with their recommendation. The proposal shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the membership (as is practicable) with the recommendations of the elected officers. There being a quorum of fifteen members present, a two-thirds vote of those present and voting shall be required for adoption.
Roberts’ Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary authority on all matters not covered by the Constitution and ByLaws of this association.
Adopted January 24, 2025