In 2024, the TRCA Officers and Executive Committee voted to suspend membership dues to join the association. We hope that making membership free will encourage more people to join and get involved. In lieu of dues, we welcome donations for several purposes, including funding scholarships, the neighborhood fall party, National Night Out, and Earth Day event(s).  Donations also are used to pay for the website and other communications.  

Members will receive our newsletters; be informed about community affairs; submit requests for consideration to the Executive Committee; and vote in annual elections as well as other TRCA matters. To join, fill out this form and we will add you to our newsletter email list.

We also have a google group that you can connect with other people in the neighborhood. Let us know if you would like to be included on that list as well.

Any 18 year old resident of, or owner of property within the area shall be eligible for membership without regard to race, color or creed. In addition, residents of contiguous areas of Alexandria shall be eligible for membership.

To donate to TRCA, you can mail a check payable to TRAC to the following address.

c/o Patricia Plympton
715 W View Terrace
Alexandria, VA 22301

You can also donate in person at one of our events or via Venmo to @TaylorRun-Citizen or PayPal using Please include your mailing address and add your email if you want us to add you to our newsletter.