TRCA Needs You!
We all have lots on our plates, but there is also a lot happening in our community that affects our neighborhood. That is where the Taylor Run Citizens’ Association comes into play.
The TRCA needs 11 Executive Committee members and 5 Officers to advocate for our neighborhood. The role of the Committee is to remain up to date on issues and provide feedback to city officials and decision makers. This feedback ensures that decisions do not negatively impact our quality of life and safety.
Recently, decisions were made about Duke Street that could have caused a massive inconvenience for many of us. Fortunately, we spoke out with our neighboring civic associations and helped the city understand how their choices would negatively impact how we access our homes.
Executive Committee members are tasked with attending meetings mothly or as needed either in person or via video call (zoom, google meet). It would take about 10-12 hours of your time each year and the impact you’ll have for our neighborhood is greatly appreciated.
Officer positions take more time, especially President and Vice President. These are the direct liaisons to the city to make sure our neighborhood has a seat at the table when decisions are made. Having these positions filled is vital to keeping TRCA an active force in making sure our neighborhood is properly represented.
If you are interested in putting your hat in the ring, we welcome you to fill out this form so we can contact you and get you on the ballot. A term lasts for one year and elections are held in March of each year.