What TRCA does


We work closely with the City of Alexandria to try to improve local traffic conditions. Neighbors are encouraged to use the Call.Click.Connect system to report any hit and run damage to cars. To report traffic problems, please call the police department's non-emergency line at (703) 746-4444. For more information, contact our Traffic liaison: trcatraffic@gmail.com  


We also work together with the Alexandria Police Department, the Sheriff's Department, and the Fire Department to keep our neighborhood as safe as possible. Neighbors are encouraged to use the Call.Click.Connect system to relay non-emergency concerns to the City. Of course, if it's an emergency, call 911! For more information, contact our Crime Liaison Sarah Pray: trcacrime@gmail.com


The Taylor Run Citizens Association has been a proud contributor to the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria (SFA) since 2005.

Since 1986, the SFA has been working to “help ensure that ALL Alexandria students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have the opportunity to attend college." The SFA awards approximately $1 million in scholarships to T.C. Williams graduates each spring. To date, SFA has awarded more than $13.5 million in scholarships to Alexandria students with financial need and sent more than 4,500 hard-working TC Titans off to college.

Most of the scholarships range from $3,000 to $5,000 and can often mean the difference between a student being able to afford college, or simply staying home.

TRCA contributes $2000 annually to the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria. TRCA funds this contribution through membership dues and revenues from park cleanup. Students are eligible for the TRCA scholarship when they reside within TRCA’s boundaries and hold a 2.0 GPA or better. Students apply to SFA and are matched with the TRCA scholarship if they meet the established criteria. The winners of the awards are announced every year usually at the end of May. While we are extremely proud of this valuable contribution to our community, SFA and TRCA do not list the names of individuals who receive the scholarship.


TRCA has several adopted parks in our neighborhood, including Angel Park and Chinquapin Park and we volunteer to clean them through the year. Every year, TRCA gives out several scholarships to local students, using the money earned from the Adopt-A-Park program and just a few minutes of your time can help increase the support we provide. All it takes from you is a few minutes to survey the park while out for a walk with your friends, family or pet. We are always looking for volunteers to help cleanup!

Email us at membership.trca@gmail.com if you want to help. We send in a monthly sheet to the city detailing the days, amount of time and people cleaning up the park.

Special Events

Every year, TRCA hosts a number of special events, including our annual Fall Block Party. We often host a National Night Out celebration with local law enforcement, an Earth Day park cleanup, and popsicle nights for the kids (and grown-ups!) Click on the Events tab for more information.